Tuesday, July 5, 2016

How To Burn Fat While Running

Are you usually looking forward to a run and enjoying the movement while out on the road? Or are you glad to hit the shower afterwards, with the feeling of having done your body some good?

Let’s be honest: Many of us don’t (just) lace up because we love running. But rather because of yesterday’s piece of chocolate cake, that half bottle of wine from the birthday party or because we want to “run off” the planned 5-course meal. Does that work? Here’s a few facts about fat burning & running.

Is it better to run on an empty stomach to boost fat burning or to jog at a low heart rate to stay in the right “zone”? Or, should we do short but exhausting intervals to fight off those extra pounds? Today, I want to shed a light on how to best burn fat while running.

If You're Running and Aren't Losing Weight, Try This

Go a Little Longer

Lamentably you can't spot treat with regards to weight reduction, which is one reason exclusively doing crunches won't whittle your waistline. The key is to diminishing general muscle to fat ratio ratios, and the restricted to do that is to smolder calories. Extending your workout will do only that. Like clockwork of running at a 10-minute-per-mile pace blazes around 45 calories. Consider that on your next run, and it'll inspire you to continue onward!

High Knees

You're working hard to diminish your overall body weight, which will slim down your belly so you can reveal toned abs underneath. Here's one way to strengthen your core. Do one-minute intervals in which you run with high knees (like in this cardio workout you can do in your living room). Concentrate on using your abs rather than your leg muscles to kick your knees up as high as you can.

Try This Killer Treadmill Move

Here's another Killer executioner in case you're utilizing a treadmill. Set the pace to 1.0 mph. Place your feet on a Plyo Box that is set up around two feet behind the back of the treadmill. Come into board position with your hands straddling the treadmill belt. Step your hands on the belt and begin strolling, keeping your middle in one straight line. Do this for one moment, pulling your gut in toward your spine
What does fat burning mean?

Fat burning refers to the ability of our bodies to oxidize or burn fat and use fat as a fuel instead of carbohydrates. This is an aerobic process – fat is decomposed with the help of oxygen. In general, more fat is burned during high-oxygen activities like Nordic walking, running or biking.
When do we burn fat?

Most fat is burned during low-intensity physical activities. The better your shape, the higher the percentage of fat implied in the metabolic process. And, the longer the activity, the higher the amount of fat oxidized (burned).

Fat burning & running

As a general rule, fat is burned ideally when running at a pace where you would be able to maintain a full conversation. According to experts, this should be a pace that you would theoretically be able to maintain for up to 8 hours- slow! Plus, you can benefit from fat burning even after your run as your body keeps burning fat for 2 to 3 hours after finishing a run. If you want to shed a few pounds, make sure you only ingest liquids and maybe a little protein during that time frame.


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